This isn’t so much a fresh start as it is a beginning of its own. I’ve often wanted to make note of my daily life but I either forget about it or just don’t bother. This time around though I really want to stick with it. I think it will be great to have a place where I can just note the silly little things that happen through out my day. Considering that my memory is horrible already and only going to get worse this will be a wonderful place to access in old age.

With this 1st entry I want to promise myself to keep positive. No venting or fuming. Instead, I want to use this space to turn negatives into positives! Ideally I will post daily and include with each entry a picture or two of myself and the people/things around me. Since the day to day is nothing special I’m not sure how that’s going to work out. But I figure a few words is all that’s needed if something is worth remembering. In truth I don’t think each entry will be super long- not when I will be posting every day, but at least those brief entries will stay with me forever.


So about today…Nothing unusual really. I had my second interview with Magitex Decor and I feel it went really well. It was odd though – I was asked about hobbies and my personal life which is against the law to ask during an interview but Bob and Ari seemed really nice and they both made me feel very comfortable. Kaos avatar 34I’m not sure what exactly it is they want me to do but I know I am up for the challenge. It’s a field I haven’t done before so it’ll be fun to learn about upholstery and decor. I cant wait to get a reply! The position has a lot of potential and it will be great to be working again Kaos avatar 331. I was also glad to see that they have a lax dress code and a family atmosphere. For that matter the girls in the office all seemed really easy to get along with which is always a  plus. I really hope they give me a response soon- it will help resolve the financial issues I’m having and get some stress off me. Plus I know I’ll kick butt Kaos avatar 106!!

When I got home I spent some time working on KDrama and KPop posts for the blog- Listened to Break Down the entire time Kaos avatar 35.  I’ve been really remiss with posting so I made up for lost time and posted to entries. I also made sure to connect the blog’s RSS feed to Facebook and connect it to Twitter. Now I’ll have Facebook update the blog posts to Notes and each blog post will also go on Twitter as a link. While I was at it I also connected Tumblr to both so that it auto posts the latest nonsense I Tumble…I just have to remember to only share things to Tumblr so I don’t have a whole mess of repeat links on Facebook. I tried linking the blog to Tumbler too but it doesn’t have the app yet- it works out though since I want to make Tumblr my ‘random corner’ with little bits of everything I like on a day to day. I also worked on Flickr but I cant get the share button for Tumblr to work so until it does I’ll just post the pictures from here to Tumblr after I upload them to Flickr.

Ooh I almost forgot! Tomorrow is a actually Free RPG Day and I’m kind of excited Kaos avatar 264. Peter is going to pick me up early to take me to Outland so I cant let my insomnia keep me from sleeping today. From what I understand he’s going to have a demo going. Maybe if a lot of people go I can give him a hand by GM’ing? I’ll be making sure to take some fun pictures too since I’m sure I’ll have something silly to post.

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