Category Archives: KPop Playlist

Monthly review of the songs currently gracing my playlist.


Definitely a month full of energy! And the same can be said for my playlist. Nary a song that isn’t pumping with energy and makes me want to dance.

Infinite- Paradise

Coming straight out of their success from be Mine these boys do it again! They put out a track that has me totally hooked and I’m loving it. I admit to being biased but their talent is completely evident with every bit of growth they demonstrate.

Super Junior A-Cha

No one kill me please- but I was not a total fan of Mr. Simple. Though admittedly it was catchy it did not do it for me. A Cha however is completely different. The hook is super fun and and the beat is cool as heel. Once again Super Junior kicks some KPop butt! I only wish they didn’t say spider as I’m arachnophobia

Fat Cat- Indifferent Love

I LOVE this song. Its synthed to death but its done in such a unique way with such cool sounds that it works. It really makes move to the beat- a great attribute for a dance track.

Girl’s Day- Don’t Let Your Eyes Wander


Yes I know misleading title for this single. But boy is it fun. I just want to jump along to the beat and sing along to the chorus. Aaaaah so addictive!!! And the lyrics are so funny at times it makes me giggle as I sing.

JYJ- Get Out

Ok whoever these girls JYJ keeps singing about need to back off before I kill them. Although if they were happy maybe they wouldn’t be making such amazing song about their tragedies. Anyways, ignore my jealous ramblings and listen to this song! ITS IS SO DAMN GOOD IT HURTS!!!!!!

B1A4- Fooool
B1A4- Beautiful Target

B1A4 you guys are just too cute. I love the new concept and though I am looking forward to your manly phase I am enjoying the under aged eye candy you all present. It also doesn’t hurt that both of the above tracks are so catchy I don’t think I can stop singing them. I mean I sing Fooool on the train to work and people think I’m crazy or something.

KARA- Step

I have never been a super big fan of KARA by any means but having liked several of their songs I was looking forward to their comeback. And boy was I blown away. Not that they changed their looks or musical style. But that the power of the track had me instantly hooked! And the choreography is totally fun too.

Maybee- Goodbye Valentine

Ok this track isn’t totally fun but  just cant see it as a ballad either. The entire song is just so vibrant it exudes energy and thus I am completely loving it!

Brown Byed Girls- Sixth Sense

This was one heck of a comeback. And one heck of a comeback track. It isn’t original by any means but BEG just owns it! I like this song down to the rap break- as a matter of fact I love it because of the rap!


FUN (fun and up beat or just fun to sing along to)

Baby G-Crying Part II

Loving this R&B ballad. Its refreshing to listen to something with touching lyrics and a great beat.

ZE:A- Heart for 2

Though I’m not a big fan of the intro to the song I just cant get enough of the rest of the song. And the chorus really stuck to me!

Bang Yong Gook- I Remember ft. Yo Seob

OMG! OMG! OMG! This song is sick! I’m totally in love with Yong Gook! His voice is so sexy and his talent is astounding. I’d really been looking forward to his debut since he featured in Song Ji Eun’s sole single Going Crazy. I was prepared to be in love with what ever group he debuted with but I’m so glad he’s going solo! The song is wonderful and its great to see a MV that matches the song too. I cant wait for more from Yong Gook oppa!

FT Island- I Will Have You

I cant get enough of Hongi’s voice! And the song has such a wonderful rock edge to it. 

Super Junior- Mr. Simple

Super Juniors title track to their comeback album…is there more to say!? I mean really its super Junior! EVERYTHING they release is gold!!!

Wei Chen- Run Away ft. Thunder and Lee Joon

Biggest reason for loving this song? The lyrics are 80% English! And its also a great showcase for Lee Joon and Thunders talent. Great song!

Shake It Up- Seo In Guk

Another great track if your looking to boost your energy levels. Perfect for dancing to!

Sunnyhill- Pray

Yet another song that I really love! And again not only is the song awesome the MV also matches the song. Loving their last single its good to have such a great follow up song.

SMOOTH (more often than not slow but really touching)

I’m going to sound like a weirdo but the only ballads I’ve listened to more than twice this month have come from the same drama. The music director of The Princess’ Man should really be recognized. The man chose the perfect songs to complement the drama! I’ve set a link to each of the following album covers so you can check out a bit of each album.

The Princess' Man OST Part 1The Princess Man OST Part 2


The Princess's Man OST Part 3The Princess's Man OST Part 4


The Princess's Man OST Part BGM


Aside from those songs still gracing my playlist from previous months the following are some of the songs I find myself replaying daily this past month! In fact there are so many I had to split my playlist to best fit my mood.

FUN (fun and up beat or just fun to sing along to)

Hyun Ah- Bubble Pop

Fun, bubbly and easy to sing along to! Though the video is a bit too sexy for the song it’s still great to watch (guys across the world are thanking Hyun Ah for her booty shaking!)

Girl’s Day- Hug Me Once

Another fun song. And just too catchy! I keep catching myself singing it in the most random places! The video is also super fun with its video game theme. In fact allkpop is hosting a contest for those more artistically inclined where they prompt you to create your own ending to the music video. CHECK IT OUT!

Infinite- Be Mine

No joke this song is officially on my list of all time favorites. And its not just his song it’s entire Over The Top album. Infinite has surpassed any expectations I had from them. But who can be surprised when they have the backing of one of my absolute favorite groups Epik high. With the release of their new album I find my playlist inundated with their songs. (A more detailed review of the album to come!) Now the song itself is awesome as hell but the live performance is simply mind blowing. The MV too has me replaying it like an obsessed fan girl. Who am I kidding- I’m watching their TV special You Are My Oppa- of course I’m a fan girl!! AND THIS IS MOST DEFINITELY MY #1 PICK FOR THE MONTH!!! 

T Ara- Roly Poly

Very few songs make me need to learn the dance…this is definitely one of them. I just cant get enough. I am glad to see the girls steering away from their boy stalking songs though- about time. And to manage to do it in such a retro chic way is impressive.

Excursion (소풍)

Min Kyung Hoon- Didn’t Have An Affair

Two words- Amazing vocals!

2PM- Give It To Me

I have to admit that their comeback track Hands Up didn’t do much for me but this song is just beautiful.

HITT- Good Night

Ok I just want to get this out of the way…these are the least attractive boy idols I’ve seen lately BUT. They have some very impressive vocals and this song really shows that off so I’ll be looking forward to future releases.

MissA- Goodbye Baby

Hell yeah new girls anthem! MissA is constantly surprising me. This time around they are sexy and strong. And the song is super fun to sing along to!


SMOOTH (more often than not slow but really touching)

M to M- This Really is Goodbye
Kim Bo Kyung- Suddenly
Jong Hyun- So Goodbye
Yim Jae Bum- Love

As easily evidenced by the above MV’s my playlist is invaded with OST! And most notably City Hunter  has me on an OST frenzy. You could attribute it to Lee Min Ho’s sexiness but I prefer to think it’s the amazing work of the producers for having selected such perfect music for the series! Now I didn’t include it above but I would also recommend watching the MV for Girl’s Day-Cupid. It’s just so cute and catchy!

The producers of Lie To Me  also impressed me but with the end of the series I find myself unwilling to remind myself of the fact.

VOS- Full Story

If any song is every meant to tug at the heart its this one. The music video is super cute to.


Its not the end of the month yet but there are so many songs coming out this up coming week that I’m pretty sure I’ll have too many songs next month…I’m liking these too much to easily replace them. Anyways, remember to support the artist by buying the album or downloading the song’s you like.


Okay, as everyone knows I listen to a lot of KPop….A LOT! Because of this I’m constantly changing my playlist around. So I’ve decided to just update with the song’s making it onto my replay list on ITunes every month. I would put them in order of which I like best but the only thing I can really make my mind up about is which one I like the most ! The rest are in random  order….


Code V- I’ll Say It Honestly. I really wish this group weren’t so underappreciated. They have some amazing vocalists. For that matter each of these guy has ridiculous vocal range. I’m so mad they haven’t made it huge yet…

Sparkling OST Pt. 3

Girl’s Day- If You Give Your Heart. I didn’t know the girls could sing like this…honestly it’s one of their best songs

I jut cant help but laugh when I watch this video.

4Minute- Heart to Heart

I just cant help but laugh when I watch this video.


After School – Shampoo

Ok great song, awesome video, and as per usual INSANE CHOREOGRAPHY!!

B1A4- O.K.

Though I cant call it the song of the year I think this was a great choice for a debut song and I really look forward to more from this group.

Block B- Just Stop

I have to get up and dance!

Park Bom- Don’t Cry

She’s just so….so …beautiful…

Rania- Dr. Feel Good

Talk about SEX. The song is just made of raunchy and the dance puts the sex in sexy. What’s sad is how much controversy the girls got for it. I LOVE IT~~

FT Island- Hello Hello

*Sigh* I really love the video to this song and what’s best is that Hong Ki is back !!!

CNBlue- LOVE Girl

Cool and fresh- just like CNBlue.

2NE1- Lonely

As always 2NE1 puts out gold. This song really pulls at the heart strings.

Jay Park- Tonight

Talk about a catchy song. I was listening to this song on replay for 3 days!

Sunny Hill- Midnight Circus

Fun yet quirky this song really makes me move my feet. And even with the new members and look Sunny Hill has kept their uniqueness!

Tae Ha- Come Back To Me

I really love this song! Tae Ha has the most beautiful quality to his voice. There is no question when I say THIS IS MY FAVRITE SONG!!!

There is no cohesiveness in my playlist but I’m just not the type to listen to only one genre at a time- and no one will call me a master DJ Kaos avatar 1 . I like dancing between sad songs, or feeling peppy after a slow song. In truth I don’t listen to be made a certain way by the melody….I listen because the singers voice/voices give me an understanding to the feelings behind the beat. And all of these songs do that in their own way and if they aren’t in you don’t already have them make sure you get it pronto. And remember to support the artist by buying the album or downloading the song’s you like.