Category Archives: VITA


Thursday: All I really did today was go to Peter’s game. Since he asked me to GM so that he could play, I spent most of the afternoon reading the mod. Thankfully the game went smoothly and we had a lot of fun. Jose did show up so I didn’t get the ice cream he promised me.Instead I bought myself some coconut ice cream and bananas. Very delicious! We didn’t get to finish the game though since everyone had to get home before too late. But its not so bad since Peter will be out of town next week and wouldn’t have been able to run anything regardless. Instead, I’ll just finish up the mod for the guys next week.

Friday: I finished up all the reviews and since tomorrow Cassie, Ricky, Peter, Henry, and I will be going to Mansion I’m just going to relax and rest. I’m pretty excited about tomorrow though so I’m not sure how well I’ll sleep.

20110827Today: I got up and worked on editing the reviews but before I could finish Protect the Boss my excitement about tonight got to me. At around I started figuring out what I was going t wear and my makeup. I also packed everything up. So now its 8 and I have 2 hours to blow before Peter picks me up but I’m too pumped up to finish the reviews. I’ll just have them up by Monday morning since tomorrow I’ll be recovering from the club and then the after party!


Monday: Last day at Colliers and holy hell was I bored. I worked on the little things Mercy wanted me to do but I finished them so fast I was done by 3 o’clock. At least there was lots of traffic in and out of the office so I was able to distract my mind for spurts at a time. Sunset in HialeahThe only redeeming quality about the day was my drive home actually. I saw the loveliest sunset on the horizon I can remember watching.

Tuesday:  I spent most of the day sleeping but when I woke up I finally finished watching last weeks kdramas. But Jose came to pick me up and we went to watch Rise of the Planet of the Apes. It was much better than I thought it would be. I also shipped out one of my old school books. The thing had been up for nearly 6 months and it finally sold on Amazon! When I got home I went and posted 2 more books so lets see when those sell..

Wednesday: I worked on my kdrama reviews for this week a bit but for some reason I kept falling asleep so I didn’t get very far. So now I’m jut going to go to sleep for the night.

Thursday: I woke up super late. I don’t even know why since I went to bed early last night. Now before I sound like a totally slacker I did finish my reviews for Baek Dong Soo. However, even though Peter’s game was cancelled today, we still went out to watch Cowboys and Aliens. He took me to cash my check first so I has a bit of money and treated us to Chile’s before the movie. The movie was pretty decent for something of that name- Peter was a trip! Now that I am home I’m too tired to much else but sleep so I’ll be head to bed after a quick shower.

Friday:  AGAIN! I overslept for no reason. Now I have to catch up on kdrama like a beast but have no time…

Saturday: I swear I feel like I had been working at a factory doing hard labor or something. But now after a whole lot of sleeping and general lazing around I feel much more energized. I probably should have cleaned when I woke up but I still haven’t finished writing up my reviews. In fact I’m so behind I’m still working on last weeks review. Well actually, they are done I just haven’t edited and posted them yet. Instead I’m just working on completely catching up before I post everything all at once.

Sunday: I didn’t go to the game instead I finally finished catching up to all my dramas. Last weeks reviews are posted, and with only one review left to post I will be done with this weeks too. Hence forth, I vow to watch one episode a day and write up my review as  watch it. That way come Saturday morning all I need to do is type it up and edit.

Monday: Because today I have no reviews to write I’ve actually been catching up on The Princess’ Man. I’m kind of man that I cant watch them faster but the storyline is too good not to watch for something as silly as upload speeds.

Tuesday: I was watching The Princess’ Man but I’ve been completely side tracked by Ouran High School. Turns out their airing a live action in Japan and I just had to watch the original before I watch the drama. That didn’t take long though since I started sometime around 2 AM so I was done before Jose picked me up. I had loads of fun butNooooo I’m completely pooped. I think I’ll watch some of the live action before going to bed though.

20110824Today: None stop kdrama! That’s all I did. Well I did go out with Jose who took me to pay Rent-A-Center. I treated lunch and he took me to Cold stones but it was closed by the time we got there. He also took me to FEDEX so I could ship out the other 2 books. I couldn’t believe they sold so fast but it is back to school season so I guess people are looking for cheap books. Still I did make a lot of head way on my reviews. That means Myeong Wol is fully reviewed and edited. Baek Dong Soo  and the 7th episode of Protect the Boss only need to be edited. Episode 8 of Protect the Boss wont air till tomorrow so today I’m just going to watch some more of The Princess’ Man before I head to bed.


Thursday: Boring. Totally and absolutely boring! I went to work got a lot of stuff done and was completely pissed off when Bill came in showing off the I Pad 2 he was given for free at a conference her went to. I swear some people have all the luck- this guy didn’t even know what the thing was…Anyways, I hung out with Jose after work since Peter’s game was cancelled. Then I went home and now I’m trying to get some episodes in before I go to bed.

Friday: Work was pretty nice today. Richard the building engineer treated me to sushi since today was to be my last day. The food came in some really nice containers which I took home of course. Fortunately, Mercy asked me to come back on Monday to help out while Lourdes gets back into the swing of things. On the way home I got stuck in the subway. Turns out the train I was in was going to be serviced and since I was listening to music I didn’t hear the conductor instruct everyone to exit the damn thing. I had planned to stay for a bit and finish and episode of Baek Dong Soo but that didn’t work out. I was finally let out by one of the workers but it was pretty funny to be trapped inside. Now I hope to get some work done on my reviews- I’m way behind!

Saturday: I have to say it’s going to be tough to do my kdrama reviews and work once I find a full time job. All I could do during the week was watch a bit and pass out so now I have to catch up to it all.

20110814Today: Just a day of gaming with the guys. Nothing special happened really except we had a little thing for Peter’s birthday. Nani brought a cake and we surprised him a bit. After Aurora stayed and played with Megan. Now I’m just at home trying to finished catching up on my reviews but I’m so behind I don’t know if I will be able to finish it tonight!


Tuesday: Work went well. It really does make a difference to be there on my own.Pretty morning It’s not super hectic but its busy enough that the day went by pretty fast. After work Jose picked me up t go to the game but no one showed up so we just ended up going out to eat and then he took me home. It’s kind of late already so I’m just going to watch an episode of Myeong Wol and head to bed.


20110810Today: Work was nice. I was actually at the office by myself all day since Mercy’ jury duty had her there till she got an emergency call and went home. That meant I had Steven at the office funning with me while I worked on some of theThe Mover things Lourdes left for me to do. Pretty much pretty chill day. But still now that I’m home I’m tired as hell. I’m going to try to watch an episode of Spy Myeong Wol but I don’t know if I’ll succeed.Brickel Skyline


Friday: So work as super boring! Well, let me not be so harsh, there were two of us to do work that only really needs one person. I did however work on growing my To Do list for next week so that I don’t run across this problem again. Hopefully with just me I will be swamped with work and wont feel like time is crawling. When 5 o ‘clock finally came around I practically flew out of the office. On the train I worked on catching up on my K-Dramas with plans to finish when I got home. Instead, when I got home I watch House and another show I’d never seen before called Friends With Benefits which was quite funny.  In other words, I totally slacked off and by the time I did get to watching Warrior Baek Dong Su I was to tired too watch it for long Kaos avatar 108.

Saturday: So when I woke up I really stuck to my guns and watched all the episodes that needed watching. As I did, I updated the Saturday Night Recaps post. But alas there weren’t enough hours in the day. 20110807It also didn’t help that I felt worse as the day progressed…

Sunday:  Woke up feeling stuffy and groggy but I finally finished the last episode. Well not really- I still had episode 10 of Warrior Baek Dong Su but since it hadn’t been subbed so I didn’t worry about it and went straight to working on my Sunday Night KPop post.

20110808Today:  This morning was HELL!  Not only did I feel like crap but I had to walk all the way to the train station. Kaos avatar 92 Turns out my bike has flat on the back tire and I have no clue when I’ll get to fix it. But if that wasn’t enough the train was also delayed like 20 minutes. Which of course means I was late to work. Which means to morrow I must be early if not on time!

Any who work was interesting on my own. Mercy found plenty of busy work to do. So much so that I’ll be working on it throughout the week and I just might not finish. Overall time flew which is wonderful! Now I’m just heading home to take a Kaos avatar 3 shower, eat and sleep! Before I go to bed though I need to work on tomorrow’s stuff for the game…


Monday:  Considering that I am now also watching Warrior Baek Dong Soo and The Princess’  Man and intend to do recaps for them both this weekend I have been on a K-drama watching frenzy.

Tuesday: Still watching K-drama thankfully I finished with The Princess’ Man– OMG ITS AMAZING Kaos avatar 4!! Now I’m on to Warrior Baek Dong Soo. I have  lot to catch up with on that…In the end I cancelled my Tuesday game and spent most of the day trying to catch up Kaos avatar 362

Wednesday:  Ok so I didn’t leave the house at all until Maria picked me up and we went to Wal-Mart. I needed milk so I went but I would have spent all night watching more Warrior Baek Dong Soo (almost caught up). Still I went and since I start a temp job at Colliers International tomorrow I also went to bed early…

20110804Today: First day at the temp job and I can say I enjoyed myself. It was a bit slow since I didn’t do much but I can see where once I’m on my own I’ll have plenty to do. Since the office is at Brickell I took the train and my bike to get there. Let me tell you…I am OUT of shape. The bike ride was a killer Kaos avatar 203! Anyways after Jose picked me up and we hung out for a while since Peter’s game was cancelled. Good thing I stayed out late though because now I am Kaos avatar 299 pooped and can get straight to bed! Tomorrow the plan is wake up at 7 instead of 6, leave my bike at the station instead of So Tiredtaking it all the way to Brickell, and blog a bit while on the train. On the way back to home I’m going to take advantage of what battery I have left on my laptop and ride the train until I’ve finished watching Baek Dong Soo. That way tomorrow all I need to do is watch this weeks new episodes for everything else and write up my recap.


Friday: I went nuts. Considering how I have all this free time I decided to really buckle down and blog more. And not just the random nonsense I have to this point. Instead I made a schedule of when to post what and gave them names. Kind of like KPop Music Mondays. I’ll be doing Saturday Night Recaps, Sunday Night KPop, KDrama Watch, and KPop Playlist. Now some of these things are not new- all I did was give the “series” an actual name. For instance the KPop Playlist I started last month, and the KDrama Watch I did for the first time a couple of months ago. The difference this time is that now I have scheduled myself to do both of these every month and they each have a set structure- the same applies to Saturday Night Recaps and Sunday Night KPop which are entirely new.

Saturday Night Recaps– will be a really brief blurb of the episodes that aired during the week for the K-dramas I’m currently watching.

Sunday Night KPop– just a quick and easy cut and paste job really. Here I will be putting up Music Chart ratings for the top 10 songs of the week. I decided to use as it updates quickly and is already a nicely consolidated listing. I’ll also be including a Spotlight section. I thought it would be nice to showcase some talent that wasn’t necessarily on the charts. In fact it wouldn’t need to be a new song- throwbacks are nice way to get people listening to KPop!

KDrama Watch– being something I’ve done before I decided to streamline it. Going forward, on the last day of every month I’ll be posting some info on upcoming dramas that have caught my attention. I have been really good up to now on guessing which ones will be hits so it will be a nice way to see if my predictions are on point. I’ll also be throwing in a movie of note- something to spotlight Korean cinema.

KPop Playlist– again, since I’ve already done this in the past I‘ve just gone ahead and given it a name. I like the format I’ve used up to now so I wont be changing that for the moment. The only real difference is that from now on it will be posted on the 1st day of every month and not just some random day.

On another note- I’ve also cut back on my daily posts. Instead of posting on days in which I did nothing I’ll just post every few days. This way I’m not wasting time writing “today was boring”…I just hate doing that.

Saturday: Kaos avatar 45  I posted my 1st Saturday Night Recaps…I’m really hoping it will be of help to people new to KDrama. I know I hate getting so much detail when I see a recap so maybe this will be good for people like me who just want to stay up-to-date until they can see the show.

20110731Today: As it seems to be my thing I stayed up all night again and since I did I decided to work on Sunday Night KPop. That was so fast I found myself looking for what to do next. Since my brain was fried I couldn’t think of anything and so I went to bed. Of course, ralph woke my ass up wondering why I wasn’t at the game. 20 Minute LineNow I told him I couldn’t find a lift and hung up but in Ralph-speak I asked him to find me a ride.  Soooo I was woken up sometime later by Jose Kaos avatar 432. I went to the game and had lots of fun. though honestly I must be very weird to have so much fun arguing and getting mad at Ralph’s stupidity. Anyways, Peter took me home early and I took the opportunity to go to Wal-Mart and buy a dam bike already. Cant complain- its cute, cheap, and confortable! Oh right, I also bought a new pair of hoes at New Bike!Payless with Monica. Took us about 20 minutes? But when we went to McDonalds to get lunch for everyone (our true destination) we ended up waiting 20 minutes just to get to the register…that place gets worse every time Kaos avatar 259.

Since I was home so early I took a really nice nap. But I woke up and remembered that I needed to do the KDrama Watch post…so I’m writing this up real quick before I do that Kaos avatar 292.


Wednesday:  Watched more My Fair Lady and a bit more Romance Town.  But sometime during the day decided to download some of the songs from my “To Be Downloaded” playlist on YouTube. I also did some organizing of the USA songs I already had downloaded as well as the KPop yet to be added t my phone. and let me just say it took forever. In fact I  had to put  stop to it when I noticed it was like 7 AM today… 

20110728Today:  After all that I stayed up a bit more but ended up just going to bed sometime around 9 AM. I kept waking up needing to use the restroom and dreamt of super heroes so I didn’t sleep too late though. Turned out to be a good thing since Peter showed up way early to pick me up for the game. I was thrown for a loop when I open my bedroom door to see him standing there. Anyways turned out t be good since I got time to go to the animal clinic and pay off what I owed. Hoorah!Oh Yeah

Peter and I stopped by a sub shop to get food before the game and I saw the coolest sign- I mean totally epic! after paying for what turned out to be one heck of a steak sub Peter and I headed over to game. Normally we game at Outland but today we went to the house of one of the guys. It was nice to be Pete & Meable to hear each other and not have the crowd around us. BUT! And it’s a big ‘but’. It seems the seats were out to kill me. Within minutes of getting there I get a gash on my foot. Seems the chair I Hurry Sub Peoplewas sitting in has exposed nails under the cushion and as I scooped one foot under the other leg the stupid nail slashed me open. Now I gave the dam chair a try and sat there for most of the night but it kept pinching my palm too so I changed seats. EXCEPT this next one wanted to steal my hair and whenever I leaned back it pulled it. Of course the guys were eating it up. Jose kept telling the chair to attack me when ever I got sassy at him. The damn jerk even kept telling the chair it was a good boy when it did pull my hair.

Despite the savage attacks of the chair the night was more than redeemed by two things. 1. EVERYONE was in a great mood and we didn’t stop laughing and joking around the whole night. While waiting on the subs a I warned Pete we would probably not get much done if everyone else was in as good a mood as we were. And boy was I right! Jose as usual was cracking jokes left and right. And I was on a goofy streak exacerbated by the fact that I decided to role play my character like a silly goose.

Steals My HeartThe 2nd and in my opinion most redeeming part of the night was the cuteness that called to me from the door. Introducing Catlagticus! Totally stole my heart with those kitty cat pouty eyes. And then it melted it with his totally adorable antics. So TinyHe spent most of the night under my shirt sleeping in the crook of my arm.

Sadly the game ended and we had to part ways but I’m sure to see him next week!Catlacticus


Sunday: Long boring day…well not really boring since I did watch a lot of Romance Town and that was entertaining enough. But it seemed to drag on.

Monday:  Tried working tomorrows adventure but wasn’t able to get anything done since I spent almost 6hours trying to get Word to work. In the end  had to repair the file which took its time. Alas it was too late to concentrate on writing anything and so I watched My Fair Lady (old Korean drama I didn’t get a chance to watch when it was airing).I should have been watching Romance Town but I wanted a break from it before I finished it. 

Today: Aside from the fact I was not in the mood to go out20110727Hail the GM today but spent most of the day out I had a pretty good day. Jose picked me up early and left me at FIU so I got a few hours to work on the days adventure. As usual everyone got there late so we didn’t start until almost 7 but we got some solid gaming. I went easy on them just working on getting everyone on the same path. I’m confident that we will have all the characters together in the next session and maybe now that everyone has an idea of how their character works we can get a good deal of story in too.


Wednesday: Kaos avatar 427 Reading, napping, reading some more, eating….and falling asleep while reading. Oh wait I went to the bank sometime before the napping but couldn’t open an account so went to a check cashing place instead and finally got my money.

Thursday: More of the same except sometime in the middle of the night I started catching up on my dramas. City Hunter is freaking AMAZING! Kaos avatar 461 

Friday: Finished catching up with City Hunter and started on Romance Town…I couldn’t believe the final episode was already up! I cant wait to spazz out on it. However, I really couldn’t take my rom anymore and so I started cleaning but couldn’t finish till I went to Wal-Mart to get cleaning supplies.

20110723TODAY: Sometime around midnight mm took me to get the cleaning supplies but while there I took the opportunity to get food too. I cant believe I spent $109 on what I got. And still I need a few more things. Cant really be mad though since I wont need to buy anything else for a while and with the $30 I get monthly I’ll be able to pay Rent-A-Center (which is finally up-to-date) Kaos avatar 351 now that I have the money to pay off the Animal Hospital bill. Anyways, after a LONG line at the store I got home put everything away where I want it (all for a few of my things my mom has put away). That done I got down to the hard core cleaning my room needed. thankfully it didn’t take long since I’d done pre-cleaning before I went to the store. Having finished I took a much needed shower and settled in to download music. I couldn’t stay up for long though since I was so tired. Kaos avatar 299 I don’t remember falling asleep but I do remember waking up to my mom screaming like a banshee about my taking the cat litter box I left up from. I swear she lives to annoy me…

Anyways I downloaded some more music but I think I’ll spend the rest of the day catching up on Romance Town and if  get to it Heartstring. At the very least I hope to be watching Spy Myong Wol by tomorrow night!