


Over all awesome day! Kaos avatar 156Peter picked me up early for Free RPG Day and though we ended up waiting a few hours for Mark to open Outland the wait wasn’t too bad. henry and Eddie got there shortly after we did and we spent the time catching up and making silly jokes. Once we got started though it was super fun. We had a few new people join the game and soon we where roaring in laughter. This guy named Andres kept making such funny comments in silly comments. Also met Manny and got to see some of this art. Teo also showed up right before we took a lunch break. When we got back though…OH MY GOD! Some guys had come to the store while we where gone and they seriously stunk…. the define the state of uncleanliness.  I mean I know it’s hot but put some deodorant on please!!!!!! I swear there were times that it felt like someone had slapped me with stench. It was like I was sitting next to a pile of poop and some one kept moving it so the smell would waft Kaos avatar 237

After the game I stayed while Eddie helped Teo make a character and while I waited I joined a 4E OUTLANDgame Alex was GM’ing. I have to admit that Nick, Joe, and Fernando were really something. Not the most socially adept they made me laugh so hard in their goofiness. Better yet the nasty smell went away and I could finally breath. Turns out if your not sitting behind them you couldn’t breath them in…thank GODKaos avatar 146!

I also got to check out some of the fantasy art books on Marks shelves and in so doing fell in love with quite a few pieces.

After abysmally failing the dungeon delve Alex ran us through he awarded the second table (only ones to complete the mod and the root of the stench) with a set of dice- and of course I got to take one and add it to my collection. Eddie took me home after and we talked in the car for a couple hours later. he is such a trip and his parents seem to have the same tyrannical streak my mom has so we compared anecdotes too.

 Kaos avatar 262 Now its time I go to bed as I’m super tired….

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