
20110627Oh yeah! I officially have a job! Finally after I don’t even know how long I can say I’m employed Kaos avatar 322. And better yet, I’ll have money to pay my damn bills instead of scrimping every cent together! I had my meeting this morning with Bob and Ari f Magitex and after a long discussion of the expectations they had for me I was officially offered employment. I’ll be getting paid $2000 a month (not including tax reductions) plus an additional $400 (tax exempt). This pretty much equates to $16 and hour which is a good step up from my last position. I’ll be paid bi-weekly and though there are no benefits it works out well for my monthly expenses Kaos avatar 406. My position for the moment is trainee. I’ll be shadowing one of the girls downstairs and learning her duties so that when she goes on maternity leave I can take over her responsibilities. This wont last long, however, as she is scheduled to leave some time in late august and be back by November. After that point though I will be assuming my role as executive administrative assistant. I’ll work directly under Ari and Bob aiding them with client accounts as well as marketing and client acquisition. I don’t officially start until Tuesday of next week so in the mean time I’m treating what’s left of the week as a mini vacation. Though I can already see it turning into more of a trail as I’m extremely excited to start and this will only make the day’s pass more slowly Kaos avatar 238

Anyways, I came back home did some cleaning, took a shower, and quickly changed into comfy clothes. I also helped my mom out with a clients manicure while she did the Keratin. I also worked on finding Cassie some leads so that she can start working too.  I had her send me her resume but found some difficulty in getting it done when my Word program crashed. Since I couldn’t make any headway with that I settled in to catch up on my City Hunter episodes. Can I say cliffhanger Kaos avatar 178!? I mean really!!! After god knows how many clues Na Na finally figures out that Yoon Sung is the City Hunter, son to the street vendor lady, and has saved her life twice times already. But at the same time Young Joo finds a way to get Yoong Sung’s blood to compare with the samples of the City Hunter he got from the botched kidnapping. But Yoon Sung gets it back and just as he is about to get caught Na Na- who had been following- tackles him into room. But just as he realizes who she is…bam…episode over! Kaos avatar 224 I need to know what happens! 

Thankfully my disappointment was greatly alleviated when Woomer came over. He hung out for a while watching movies. It was really nice and he certainly kept my mind off the damn cliffhanger Kaos avatar 352!

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