Tag Archives: girls day


Aside from those songs still gracing my playlist from previous months the following are some of the songs I find myself replaying daily this past month! In fact there are so many I had to split my playlist to best fit my mood.

FUN (fun and up beat or just fun to sing along to)

Hyun Ah- Bubble Pop

Fun, bubbly and easy to sing along to! Though the video is a bit too sexy for the song it’s still great to watch (guys across the world are thanking Hyun Ah for her booty shaking!)

Girl’s Day- Hug Me Once

Another fun song. And just too catchy! I keep catching myself singing it in the most random places! The video is also super fun with its video game theme. In fact allkpop is hosting a contest for those more artistically inclined where they prompt you to create your own ending to the music video. CHECK IT OUT!

Infinite- Be Mine

No joke this song is officially on my list of all time favorites. And its not just his song it’s entire Over The Top album. Infinite has surpassed any expectations I had from them. But who can be surprised when they have the backing of one of my absolute favorite groups Epik high. With the release of their new album I find my playlist inundated with their songs. (A more detailed review of the album to come!) Now the song itself is awesome as hell but the live performance is simply mind blowing. The MV too has me replaying it like an obsessed fan girl. Who am I kidding- I’m watching their TV special You Are My Oppa- of course I’m a fan girl!! AND THIS IS MOST DEFINITELY MY #1 PICK FOR THE MONTH!!! 

T Ara- Roly Poly

Very few songs make me need to learn the dance…this is definitely one of them. I just cant get enough. I am glad to see the girls steering away from their boy stalking songs though- about time. And to manage to do it in such a retro chic way is impressive.

Excursion (소풍)

Min Kyung Hoon- Didn’t Have An Affair

Two words- Amazing vocals!

2PM- Give It To Me

I have to admit that their comeback track Hands Up didn’t do much for me but this song is just beautiful.

HITT- Good Night

Ok I just want to get this out of the way…these are the least attractive boy idols I’ve seen lately BUT. They have some very impressive vocals and this song really shows that off so I’ll be looking forward to future releases.

MissA- Goodbye Baby

Hell yeah new girls anthem! MissA is constantly surprising me. This time around they are sexy and strong. And the song is super fun to sing along to!


SMOOTH (more often than not slow but really touching)

M to M- This Really is Goodbye
Kim Bo Kyung- Suddenly
Jong Hyun- So Goodbye
Yim Jae Bum- Love

As easily evidenced by the above MV’s my playlist is invaded with OST! And most notably City Hunter  has me on an OST frenzy. You could attribute it to Lee Min Ho’s sexiness but I prefer to think it’s the amazing work of the producers for having selected such perfect music for the series! Now I didn’t include it above but I would also recommend watching the MV for Girl’s Day-Cupid. It’s just so cute and catchy!

The producers of Lie To Me  also impressed me but with the end of the series I find myself unwilling to remind myself of the fact.

VOS- Full Story

If any song is every meant to tug at the heart its this one. The music video is super cute to.


Its not the end of the month yet but there are so many songs coming out this up coming week that I’m pretty sure I’ll have too many songs next month…I’m liking these too much to easily replace them. Anyways, remember to support the artist by buying the album or downloading the song’s you like.


The start of 2011 marks many anticipated comebacks and debuts. So far I’m in love with many of the new material. Songs range in genres and many artists have gone out of their way to provide different sounds even within the tracks in their albums. The “reinvention” craze has stuck the hallyu wave with a vengeance! Since there are so many I’m just going to go over some of my favorites. Otherwise this post would be WAY TOO BIG Kaos avatar 178

With the release of their new self titled album Dalmatian has followed the “reinvention” flow and gone for a fresh and preppy look. I absolutely love their title track and the live performances were spectacular to watch!

Dalmatian- That Man Opposed

Infinite, too, has gone for a fresh look with their Inspirit album. They look so cute Kaos avatar 167. I’m really glad they changed they dark bad boy look. I really love this MV…its so fun and catchy and so different from their previous video’s. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any videos like it and it strikes me as a good thing for them to make their mark like that.

Infinite- Nothing’s Over

Now when I hear K. Will I think ballads but this time around the talented singer has come out with a really upbeat song that has me on the repeat train! The MV stars IU and Lee Jun of MBLAQ and it’s just too adorable. What’s even more surprising is that K. Will has really risen to the occasion for the promotions of this track and is even dancing during his performances I am a huge fan of his foot dance Kaos avatar 180!

K.Will- My Heart Is Beating

BIG BANG……enough saidKaos avatar 264.

Big Bang- Tonight

I absolutely LOVE/ADORE/GO CRAZY OVER their new album. I am a bit upset that its only a mini but after so long without new music from them I’m just happy to get anything at all. I can’t complain one bit about the tracks in the mini…they are all so great, even if I am partial to Café. The whole album though is very unique and each song is different from the other. They have gone and explored different genre’s, put them together and created another piece of gold!

Big Bang- Café (live)

Girl’s Day really got me with their new single Twinkle Twinkle. The MV in particular is awesome! I love the pseudo martial arts that Mina does…Kaos avatar 292 I can’t help but giggle every time!

Girl’s Day- Twinkle Twinkle

Now along with the scattered comebacks we have a slew of debuts….I don’t have many I love but there are a couple that stand out for their uniqueness. One of them is CHI CHI. The group consists of 7 beautiful young girls who, according to their agency, have limitless talent. Their debut track is really fun and catchy…I look forward to more of their work to determine for myself how limitless their talent really is Kaos avatar 353.

CHI CHI- Don’t Play Around

There is also Bella…now these girls have magnificent voices.Their title track is a cover of En Vogue’s Don’t Let Go and I honestly had a hard time telling it apart from the original. I don’t say that in a bad way- on the contrary En Vogue is a group of extremely talented vocalists and even coming close to them is impressive. Kaos avatar 394These girls matched it! I really cant wait to hear an original track from these ladies.

Bella- Don’t Let Go

There are also the boys of SS501 making their solo debut’s this year. Having debuted first Park Jung Min did a great job during his promotions and his title track Not Alone was phenomenal. The video too was super unique. I very much enjoyed the punk/goth/rocker look and feel of the video.Kaos avatar 508

Park Jun Min- Not Alone

Kim Hyung Jun made his debut soon after the end of Jung Min’s and I can’t get enough of the second title track oH! aH! Kaos avatar 508It’s just soooo catchy! I like that he went for something more expressive of his unique style on both that and “Girl”. I have to say too that I really like the dance…though that may be because its simple enough that I can actually remember it. Ironically, the song is also garnering a lot of attention because of the lead dancers resemblance to Goo Hara. Some might even argue that “Girl” was better since he stood out more.

Kim Hyung Jun- Girl
Kim Hyung Jun- oH! aH!

This is just a list of the one’s I love, there are so many others I really like but didn’t have the time to post about. And not to mention the one’s still to come. 2NE1, T-ara, After School, B2st and the debut’s for  so many rookies its hard to keep track Kaos avatar 326!