Tag Archives: Hyun-bin


OBSESSION! Yeah right! Its more like fixation! I swear I’m crazy!!!! Some people suffer from it as well…the Secret Garden Madness! Seriously, this is a true illness, I simply cannot get enough of this serious. The worst part is that its on its last 2 episodes this weekend and I don’t know how bad the post partum depression will be. It was announced on the Allkpop portal that they would have a special 70 minute after finale show, as well as a 5th OST, and an OST concert. But I don’t think I’ll ever get over this drama.

For those of you not familiar with Secret Garden 1. you are seriously depriving yourself of a most wonderful k-drama and 2. You should go watch it ASAP!


Kim Joo-Won (Hyun-Bin) is from a wealthy family, smart and good looking. He runs the luxurious Roel Department store, which his family owns. Oska (Yoon Sang-Hyun) is a popular singer around Asia, but he doesn’t have musical talent. He is also a womanizer. Joo-Wan and Oska are also cousins and highly competitive towards each other. Kil Ra-Lim (Ha Ji-Won) is a very talented stunt woman. She and Joo Won begin a very INTERESTING love/hate relationship. Meanwhile, Yeun-Sul (Kim Sa-Rang), Oska’s are ex-lovers, comes into the picture to”make his like difficult.”

Very cookie cutter rom-com but here’s the twist- soon after they meet, Ra-Im and Joo-Won consume a liquor imbued with magic. This causes them to switch bodies and the story goes all up-hill from there.


Well the synopsis above may sound really cheesy but the writers and producers of this drama did a wonderful job! They kept each episode fresh and even though the plot seems overdone here in the states its quite rare in Asia. Still, even for the commonality it has in the States, I laughed in EVERY SINGLE EPISODE! The characters where unique, the romance multi faceted, and the supporting cast and sub stories fascinating. The sparks flew between the actors and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more well thought out story arc. I cant wait for the finale even though I cant bear to see the show end! (SPOILER ALERT!) With Joo-Won memory gone I wonder how the writers will finish off all the loose ends of the story!!!