Tag Archives: Kim Hyun Joong


OK so there are a few Korean boys I’m a total fan girl for- Lee Min Ho, Jung Yun Ho, and Kim Hyun Joong Kaos avatar 444. And when I say fan girl I mean screaming, clothes tearing, crying, jumping, LUNATIC. Sadly I’ve not had the opportunity to meet any of them (…or they would be looked up in my KPOP dungeon) but I do still follow their careers as best I can from nothingkpopeverhappenshereMiami Kaos avatar 218. As such I have been anxiously awaiting their comebacks.

 Kaos avatar 311Yun Ho oppa was the 1st this year with the release of Keep Your Head Down, followed by Min Ho oppa in the new AWESOME drama City Hunter. Now its Hyun Joong oppa with his 1st solo mini album after the termination of his contract with DSP. With the release of Break Down on June 6th Kim Hyun Joong is the fourth member of SS501 to make his solo debut. I would even say the most anticipated of all the members since his role as leader affords him a strong following.

Kim Hyun Joong Break Down 1st Mini Album

1. Intro (Let Me Go)

At first I was like “Organs? Where is this going?” But it quickly turned into this techno rock beat with a smooth vocals that build in strength. Kaos avatar 296 It’s a strong start and the perfect intro to the album as it really sets the tone of the whole album. In fact it has the foundations of being a really great song if it were extended and made into a full track.

2. Break Down ft. Double.K

For a title track this song BRINGS IT! Kaos avatar 173Two notes in and one verse and I knew I would be hooked. It’s up-tempo with a bit of hard grunge to it that really makes you move. Toward the end you have a bit of a rap break and thought I’m not the biggest fan of rap Double.K lends the song the final touches to making it perfect. As a whole the song is gritty and sexy and Hyun Joong oppas raspy vocals make me think of bed sheets. Now even though the song alone is great, the music video is a must see visual experience (the live performances even more so) and it’s one of those songs you really should watch while you listen.

3. Please (체발)

After the gritty sounds of Break Down follows this smooth ballad. At first I was “Eh what’s with the slow song?”  But Hyun Joong oppa’s vocals and the mid tempo beat keep this from dragging down the vibe of the album. Instead, the lyrics touch the heart and Hyun Joong oppa’s smooth vocals fit the tone of the song so perfectly it made me melt Kaos avatar 147 the first few times I heard it.  The song is simple and the melodies sweet, which in turn gives a good contrast to the gritty rock sounds of Break Down. Seriously beautiful.

4. Kiss Kiss

The rhythm gets a bit of kick with Kiss Kiss. Again Hyun Joong oppa’s vocals and the songs beat draw you in. Soon I was dancing around Kaos avatar 413 and lip-syncing my little heart away. It’s the perfect summer song, fun with a simple beat and warm vocals.

5. Yes I Will

Okay here comes the final track…and oh boy it’s a great close. This is seriously dance worthy with its electro-punk synth sounds. And then Hyun Joong oppa makes me melt yet again when he spits a bit of rap. I swear the rap verse is just too sexy! Who am I kidding oppa is too sexy Kaos avatar 127!!! The song is bit heavy on the auto tune but it really works with the electro sound and gives the song the perfect club feel. If any song fits Leader best its this one Kaos avatar 102!

6. Please (체발) Instrumental

The instrumental really emphasizes the simplicity of the song. And in its simplicity showcases the beautiful melodies to perfection.


Overall the I’m really enjoying the album. And though I’m certainly  biased in  my opinion I think Leader does a great job at showcasing his vocals. Sure, Hyun Joong oppa does not have the best vocals in SS501 but each song suits his vocal range wonderfully. The album also gives you a range of genre’s from the gritty rock sounds of Break Down to the smooth R&B of Please, to the dance-pop beats of Kiss Kiss and Yes I Will. Boy oh boy am I super happy Kaos avatar 263. I’m just overwhelmed with how good it is. Hyun Joong oppa has surpassed my expectations and surprised me with his charismatic new look. Each song is unique and I’m really feeling the up-tempo rock sounds. But don’t take my word for it- support the artist and download or buy the album!


Okay, as everyone knows I listen to a lot of KPop….A LOT! Because of this I’m constantly changing my playlist around. So I’ve decided to just update with the song’s making it onto my replay list on ITunes every month. I would put them in order of which I like best but the only thing I can really make my mind up about is which one I like the most ! The rest are in random  order….


Code V- I’ll Say It Honestly. I really wish this group weren’t so underappreciated. They have some amazing vocalists. For that matter each of these guy has ridiculous vocal range. I’m so mad they haven’t made it huge yet…

Sparkling OST Pt. 3

Girl’s Day- If You Give Your Heart. I didn’t know the girls could sing like this…honestly it’s one of their best songs

I jut cant help but laugh when I watch this video.

4Minute- Heart to Heart

I just cant help but laugh when I watch this video.


After School – Shampoo

Ok great song, awesome video, and as per usual INSANE CHOREOGRAPHY!!

B1A4- O.K.

Though I cant call it the song of the year I think this was a great choice for a debut song and I really look forward to more from this group.

Block B- Just Stop

I have to get up and dance!

Park Bom- Don’t Cry

She’s just so….so …beautiful…

Rania- Dr. Feel Good

Talk about SEX. The song is just made of raunchy and the dance puts the sex in sexy. What’s sad is how much controversy the girls got for it. I LOVE IT~~

FT Island- Hello Hello

*Sigh* I really love the video to this song and what’s best is that Hong Ki is back !!!

CNBlue- LOVE Girl

Cool and fresh- just like CNBlue.

2NE1- Lonely

As always 2NE1 puts out gold. This song really pulls at the heart strings.

Jay Park- Tonight

Talk about a catchy song. I was listening to this song on replay for 3 days!

Sunny Hill- Midnight Circus

Fun yet quirky this song really makes me move my feet. And even with the new members and look Sunny Hill has kept their uniqueness!

Tae Ha- Come Back To Me

I really love this song! Tae Ha has the most beautiful quality to his voice. There is no question when I say THIS IS MY FAVRITE SONG!!!

There is no cohesiveness in my playlist but I’m just not the type to listen to only one genre at a time- and no one will call me a master DJ Kaos avatar 1 . I like dancing between sad songs, or feeling peppy after a slow song. In truth I don’t listen to be made a certain way by the melody….I listen because the singers voice/voices give me an understanding to the feelings behind the beat. And all of these songs do that in their own way and if they aren’t in you don’t already have them make sure you get it pronto. And remember to support the artist by buying the album or downloading the song’s you like.