Tag Archives: korean


I have to admit to being a bit hesitant to start this drama. But having done so I can not be happier. just the first scene was enough to glue me to my seat and strap me down. And as the 1st episode progress I became infatuated with all f the characters.

The story is quite complicated but the premise quite simple. Boy meets girl. They fall in love and then find out that they can never be together as their families re mortal enemies. Pretty much the quintessential Romeo and Juliette set in the Joseon period. The story and love between the characters develop seamlessly, quite a feat when the writers are trying t include as much into an episode as possible. I have to commend them for wonderful use of foreshadowing techniques to speed things along but not leave the viewer behind. The story itself, though not anything revolutionary, still manages to draw you in and keep you there.


Even though and old theme it still appears fresh an vibrant and every character has a strong role to play in it’s development. Which over all is quite refreshing because there isn’t an inundation of irrelevant characters. Even though I know how this story will end I cant help but cheer for the leads and hoping that things might actually turn out for the best. Delusions, I know, but the actors and story are just that engaging.

Another wonderful thing is the use of music for this drama. A lot f the historical dramas I’ve seen in the past tend to go for contemporary ballads or even pop/rock music. But the music directors of The Princess’ Man went with more classical music. The opening is a beautiful opera piece which I can not wait to hear in full when the OST releases. I honestly can not wit to watch all 24 episodes of this amazing drama!


Every good drama comes to an end and with that end is left a empty space. A void to be filled by the next drama aspiring to win the viewers hearts and claim the title of “Best Drama of the Year.”I can not say I am a K-Drama expert but I can definitely aspire to be called a genius. because of this I’ve decided to get a bit more serious and each month I will see if I can keep my streak.

Protect the Boss

Every drama I have had my eye on so far have turned into viewing gold. We have City Hunter as a prime example of that. Before the drama even had a release date I was itching at the seems to see it. Boy was I blown away! I knew it would be amazing but…OMG WAS IT EVER!!! Sadly all great things come to an end but its only a new beginning for something else. In the case of City Hunter we will see it replaced by Protect the Boss. A K-Drama that I ‘m sure I’m not the only one anticipating. I’d like to say that the storyline was what drew me in but I would be lying out my ass. It had like 90% to do with the fact that Hero will be co-starring. Yes, Hero, formally of DBSK now of JYJ, and always one of the prettiest boys of the Hallyu Wave. Set to air August 3rd the story centers around No Eun Seol who finally gets a job as a secretary at a law firm after struggling with unemployment, only to fall in love with her boss, Cha Ji Heon, the immature youngest son of a chaebol family. Storyline seems simple but I’m sure it will be filled with shenanigans!


Can’t Live With Losing

Conversely, another drama that has garnered my interest because of its cast is Can’t Live With Losing . Coming off his success in Secret Garden we have Yoon Sang Hyun. His quirky character in that drama as well as his past role in Take Care of the Young Lady has made him one of my favorite actors-enough for me to follow his work. The drama will be airing its pilot episode on August 24th and is slated to take the place of Heartstrings. For now the official title and air date are tentative and the only thing released about the storyline is that it will follow the lives of 2 divorce lawyers coming out of bad marriages themselves. I’m curious to find out if Yoon Sang Hyun will once again be playing the goofy role.


The uniqueness of this movies plot really caught my attention. Premiering on the 11th Blind  is a human thriller were in the only witness to a heinous crime is a blind person. I’ve never been one for thrillers but my curiosity has been seriously peaked. How in the world will a blind person be able to help solve a crime?


Quite a bit of interesting stuff is scheduled to air soon. Normally I don’t find my attention drawn to so many dramas at a time but these have really sparked my interest.

You’ve Fallen For Me

You’ve Fallen For Me aka Heartstrings will broadcast after The Greatest Love on June 29th and revolves around an art’s university. Its said to incorporate theater, dance, pop culture, and music in order to showcase the romance and friendships of the young students on campus. It stars Jung Yong Hwa of CN Blue, Park Shin Hye of Your Beautiful, and many others. I’m particularly interested in this drama because unlike in Yu Beautiful Yong Hwa’s character and Shin Hye’s get together!

Spy Myung Wol

Spy Myung Wol will broadcast in place of Babyface Beauty on July 4th. The story is about a North Korean spy and a Hallyu wave star who get tangled into a rocky romance. It’s stars Han Ye Seul and Eric- in his 1st role since the end of his military service. This drama seems quirky and fun! I’m really looking forward to see the shenanigans the characters get into!



Sector 7

Sector 7 is set to premier in theaters August 4th. It’s simple plot about a group of oil rig workers forced to fight a sea monster. Being a huge fan of Ha Ji Won I’m sure this is going to be one heck of and action packed film. 


I’m a HUGE fan of seafood so I’ve been on the lookout for one that was yummy and easy to make (and also inexpensive). Naturally when I saw Maangchi’s latest recipe I had to try it for myself and share. So I’ll be inviting a friend over to try it with me this week. In the meantime I thought I’d share Maangchi’s video recipe and photos until I have some of my own to share.

Ingredients (for 2 servings): 


  1. Take 1 frozen pollock fillet (about 200 grams’ worth) out of the package, rinse it in cold water, and set aside for 20 minutes. Coating
  2. Slice it into pieces at a 45 degree angle. You should get 8-9 pieces that are ⅛ inch thick x 2 inches x 3 inches.
  3. Sprinkle a few pinches of salt and a bit of ground black pepper over the slices.
  4. Place ⅓ cup of flour in a bowl. Add the fish slices and mix by hand to coat them with flour.
  5. Beat 2 eggs in a small bowl with a few pinches of  salt.
  6. Heat up a non-stick pan over medium high heat.
  7. Add 1-2 tbs canola oil to the pan. Dip each pollock slice in the beaten egg and place it onto the heated pan.
  8. Lower the heat and cook for 1 minute. turn it over with a spatula and cook 1 more minute. Add more oil if needed, and put more egg mixture on top of each slice if you want to make it yellower.
  9. Serve hot, warm, or cool.


To make a fast dipping sauce, mix 1 tbs of soy sauce and 1/2 tbs vinegar in a bowl


Okay so I have to admit to a new favorite drama. It’s true, Secret Garden was amazing but I have never seen a more touching story in KDrama before watching Can You Hear My Heart. From the first few minutes of the 1st episode I started falling in love with the characters. And as the story progresses I love them even more (or hate them as the case may be for Choi Jin Chul and Kim Shin Ae.

Now for those of you not familiar with the drama Can you Hear My Heart, the story revolves around Cha Dong Joo and Bong Woo Ri. They meet as young children and become close but circumstances force them in different directions. 16 years, and several tragic events later they meet again, and once more find themselves drawn to each other. But, of course, as it is with all great dramas they find themselves embroiled in many difficulties. Whether by the misdeeds of those around them or the misunderstandings that arise between them, their love is not an easy one. Yet the love story of Cha Dong Joo, a man who’s been rendered deaf after an accident but pretends he can hear, and Bong Woo Ri, a woman who’s intelligent but pretends she’s dim-witted to protect the dignity of her mentally handicapped father, reaches through the screen and touches hearts with ease. Definitely a MUST WATCH!! Of course, there is far more to the story than the above mentioned but then I’ll have to go onto spoiler territory and I feel this story is best learned by watching the drama. The story is fresh, and the production  team has done a wonderful job with the story. Not to mention of curse the help of an amazing cast. The actors/actresses give wonderful performances. I find it hard sometimes to remember that these are nor real people.


Even the kids that play the role of the leads in youth where phenomenal. My favorite being Soe Young Joo (what a little heart breaker!)

But, its not just the leads. The supporting cast in INSANELY AMAZING.


And to top this all off, they have 3 beautiful OST’s out. The songs are heart warming (I’ll definitely be blogging about them when they are all out!). With only 22 out of 30 episodes aired so far I cant wait to see how the story develops.


I had been waiting  for what seems like forever for the release of a new series starring Lee Minho. Finally about 3 months ago  hear about City Hunter. Of course I went crazy looking for information on it and anxiously awaited its airing. Good thing I did- its totally spectacular! Best part of course is Minho but not just because I’m obsessed with him. Well a great deal is because I’m obsessed with him but the story also kicks ass. What’s better is that Minho does a wonderful job in this role.

City Hunter’s  plot is a complex one. In fact I’m finding it truly difficult to not give any spoilers. The story starts off with

Lee Jin-Pyo and Park Moo-Yul working as bodyguards at the South Korean President’s home the Blue House.  There is an attack by North Korean agents on the Presidents life and in retaliation five high ranking South Korean officials plan a covert operation to go into North Korea and kill North Korean agents. Without the president’s knowledge, bodyguards Lee Jin-Pyo and Park Moo-Yul gather men who will take part in the dangerous mission.However, with the plan in action, the public officers, who initiated the covert operation, change their minds. In turn the agents on the field are killed off. That is except for  Lee Jin-Pyo, who survives and swims back to South Korea steals Moo-Yul newborn child and plots vengeance. Years later, the kidnapped child, Lee Yun-Seo finally arrives in South Korea. Knowing of the events that led to his fathers life he has joined forces with Jin-Pyo and sets off to put plans into action. Of course while he is at it he meets Kim Na Na and begins falling in love despite Jin-Pyo’s warning not to do so. cityhunnter 



I for one am so happy to see Lee Minho in  such a different role. Happier still that he is doing such a phenomenal job at it. Of course, the story is brilliant so it shows him off to perfection but so too do the supporting characters. The production team certainly did a great job in choosing actors/actresses that seem to have no problem in nailing their character. They all have great acting abilities. I mean even Goo Ha Ra, a rookie, is good.

City Hunter is actually based on a world-famous novel by Japan’s Tsukasa Hojo. That alone garnered a lot of press and anticipation from fans world-wide. Thankfully, it has really delivered where other versions had failed. With the change of setting to modern Seoul you really get a better feel for the story. And considering the slew of rom com’s currently out, this really is a great change of pace. I for one cant wait to see how the story progresses- I for one didn’t read the novel so the end will certainly be a surprise!


So if you don’t already know- I LOVE MAANGCHI!Kaos avatar 127 I really appreciate how simple she makes her recipes and her videos are great. When I make one of my own I hope they turn out as wonderful as hers.

Anyways enough about Maangchi. Today I was in serious mood for some rice cake balls, but I didn’t have any rice flour. The constant hunger pangs, however, have kept me from thinking of anything else. And so I thought – lets write this recipe down! In Korea rice cakes are everywhere, and come in all different ways! You can make them or buy them. And they are often made on special occasion year round.
I’ve made this recipe many times and each time I’ve changed up the ingredients I used to coke the balls (from cocoa powder to powdered sugar).  Kaos avatar 150Take this recipe and make it your own!

Maangchi saves the day!



Step 1:
Make red bean paste (this recipe is solely intended for the rice balls, for amore general recipe go here.

  1. In a pot, place 1 cup of washed red beans and 4 cups of water and heat it over high heat for 10 minutes.
  2. Lower the heat to low medium and simmer for 50 minutes.
  3. Check if the beans are cooked fully. Remove extra water from the beans and crush them with a wooden spoon.
  4. Add 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 tsp. of salt, 1 tsp. of cinnamon powder into the red bean paste and set it aside.

Step 2:
Prepare 3 bowls where 3 different kinds of powder will be placed for the rice cake balls

  1. Black sesame seeds:
    • Rinse and drain ½ cup of black sesame seeds in running water using a strainer.
    • Heat a pan over medium heat and pour in the sesame seeds.
    • Cook the sesame seeds by stirring with a wooden spoon.
    • The sesame seeds will pop, then lower the heat and keep stirring until they are crispy. (5- 10 minutes)
    • When the sesame seeds cool down, grind them with a coffee grinder.
    • Transfer the sesame seeds powder to a bowl and add 2 tbsp. sugar and a pinch of salt and mix it.
  2. Put ½ cup of toasted soybean powder (kong gaa ru in Korean) in a bowl and add 2
    tbsp. of sugar and a pinch of salt and mix it.
  3. Put ½ cup of mugwort powder (ssook gaa ru in Korean) in a bowl and add 2
    tbsp. of sugar and a pinch of salt and mix it

Step 3:
Make rice cake dough.

  1. In a bowl, place 2 cups of sweet rice powder, 2 tbsp. of sugar, 1 tsp. of salt.
  2. Pour 2/3 cup of hot water little by little while you are mixing it with a spoon
  3. Mix the dough by hand.
    *Tip: if you feel the dough is too wet, add some plain flour
  4. Put the rice cake dough into a plastic bag and set it aside


Step 4:
In a big pot, place a lot of water and boil it

Let’s make rice cake!

  1. Take the rice cake dough out from the plastic bag and place it on the cutting board.
    Tip: To protect the dough from being stuck to the board, sprinkle some plain flour before placing the rich cake dough.
  2. Divide the dough into 2 and roll each one to make cylinder shape and cut it into 18-20 pieces.
  3. Roll each piece of rice dough with your hands and make a hole in the middle of the ball with your thumb. Then turn the ball into a cup.
  4. Put the bean paste into the middle.
  5. Close it tightly and place it on a plate.
    Tip: While you are making rice balls, the rest of dough may get dried, so cover them with wet cloth or paper towel.
  6. Carefully put all the rice cake balls into boiling water. When the rice cake balls are cooked, they float. It will take about 3 -5 minutes until they float.
  7. Prepare lots of cold water in a big bowl.
  8. Put the cooked rice balls into cold water and drain them.  floating777927
  9. Roll the cooked rice balls in the 3 different colors of powder and transfer them to a plate.




While I ate my porridge yesterday it suddenly occurred to me to have something sweet. I was craving iced tea but my kitchen was bear all but pears (Kaos avatar 111like my rhyming skills?). So I figured I’d make something from what I had and just prepare some Baesuk. The last time I had this dessert was at my friend Catherine’s house like 1 year ago. You see, her mom travels around the world for work and brings back some really yummy recipes. I wasn’t sure how to make it but I knew I had the most essential ingredients at hand. Easy as that in all of 40 minutes I had a really yummy dessert/drink to complement my porridge. I, personally, had to substitute some of the ingredients but here’s what you’ll need to do.



  • 2 Asian pears
  • 20-30 peppercorns
  • 2 tbsp. of sugar
  • 4 cups water
  • a small handful of pine nuts


  1. Peel and core the pear. Make sure to leave no skin or can make the end result a bit bitter.
  2. Cut them into quarters, rounding off the edges.
  3. Stick in 2-3 peppercorns on the outer side running along the center. Be sure to place them far enough apart so that they don’t fall out.
  4. Pour your 4 cups of water, 2 tbsp.’s of sugar and the pear sections into a sauce pan. Bring this to a boil.                                                                                                                                         *Note: You want to dissolve the sugar into the water before putting in the pears.
  5. Reduce the heat to low and cook for another 5-8 minutes.
  6. Turn off the heat and let the boiling water (which should now be a bit syrupy) cook the pear a bit more before transferring the liquid and pear sections into a bowl or jar. 
  7. Place the container in the refrigerator to cool.
  8. Serve in a small bowl with 2-3 pears. Garnish with a sprinkle of pine nuts.

201007191517534234You can have this yummy dessert with a lot of different foods. I prefer to accompany it with spicy foods as it works really well at cooling. Also, you can go all out and make this for special occasions. Or get creative and make different shapes. You could even use (or not use) the pine nuts and peppercorn in artistic ways. Kaos avatar 159 잘, 머겠숩니다! (Bon Appetite!)



So I have been having this incredible urge for Kimchi the past few weeks and- no joke– I have been eating at the Korean Restaurant (I really do love that place) for a week straight. Sadly, no matter how much I eat during the day, at around 2 am, a little man I’ve dubbed the Kimchi Monster (or KimMi for short), begins rumbling in my belly . Kaos avatar 298KimMi  has been keeping me up all night and wont let up unless I have some Kimchi. Today I’ve decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I’ve hopped onto the almighty internet and procured several Kimchi recipe’s to try out. It is currently 6:21 A.M. and I’m off to purchase all the ingredients I will need. Once I know the results of my Kimchi Madness I will finish this entry and post it up with the best recipe.

Well ladies and gents I’ve spent the whole day making Kimchi and I have a few things to repost.

1. The recipe’s where easy.

2. But going over so many I’m WAY tired  Kaos avatar 510  and

3. Boy was I surprised with how amazing my Kimchi came out!

All of the recipe’s came out tasting pretty good but Maangachi’s was by far the best. I don’t think KimMi will protest again Kaos avatar 252. To me, this recipe is perfect as it is and, as I’ve only made it once, I haven’t altered it at all (no need really). You should be warned, however, there a bazillion and one Kimchi recipes and some are easier than this one but I found  this one- out of the 5  I tried- to have the best flavor . Now, before we proceed, let us all please thank the lovely Maangachi!! Kaos avatar 477

http://www.maangchi.com to view more AMAZING recipe’s.


How to handle cabbages and radish:

  1. Cut the cabbages in half, and then slit each half through the core, but not through the rest of the leaves.
  2. Soak each piece in cold water and sprinkle some salt (about ½ cup of salt per 1 medium size cabbage), and then set it aside for 2 hours.
    *tip: the stems should get more salt than the leaves
  3. Skin 2 radishes and cut them into 1 inch cubes. Do this by cutting them into several disks, and then cutting horizontally, and then vertically. Put them in a big bowl and sprinkle them with ½ cup of salt. Then set these aside, too.
  4. 2 hours later, turn the pieces of cabbage over so they get salted evenly. Turn the radishes as well.
  5. Another 2 hours later, you will see the cabbage look softer than before, and it should have shrunk.

*the total salting process can take 4 hours as these are some VERY big cabbages.

  1. Rinse the salted cabbage and radish with cold water 3 times.

Making Kimchi paste:

Make porridge

  1. Put ½ cup of sweet rice flour (you can replace with plain flour) and 3 cups of water into a skillet and mix them up. Then cook over medium-high heat, stirring constantly.
  2. When you see some bubbles, pour 1/4 cup of sugar into the porridge and stir one more minute. Then cool it down.
  3. Place the cold porridge into a big bowl. Now you will add all your ingredients one by one.
  4. Add 1 cup of fish sauce, 4~6 cups of hot pepper flakes (depending on your taste), 1 cup of crushed garlic, 1 tbsp. of minced ginger, 1 medium size minced onion
    *tip: it’s much easier to use a food processor.
  5. Add 7 diagonally-sliced green onions, 2 cups of Asian chives (cut into 2 inches in length), and 2 cups of shredded Korean radish.
  6. Add  2 cups of frozen oysters, but this is optional. (I found out lots of people can’t eat them.)
  7. Mix all ingredients well and your Kimchi paste is done.

Are you ready to spread our paste on the leaves and make your kaktugi?
* I recommend you wear rubber gloves so that you don’t irritate your skin.

  1. Spread the Kimchi paste onto each leaf of the cabbage, and make a good shape out of the leaves by slightly pressing with both hands.
  2. Put it into an air- tight sealed plastic container or glass jar.Kimchi 
  3. Mix your leftover paste with your radish cubes (this is kaktugi).

That’s all!

You can eat it fresh right after making or wait until it’s fermented. Put the Kimchi container at room temperature for 1 or 2 days and keep it in the refrigerator there after.

How do you know it’s fermented or not?

One or 2 days after, open the lid of the Kimchi container. You may see some bubbles with lots of liquids, or maybe sour smells. That means it’s already being fermented.



For some of you out there, sweet red bean paste may sound like an oddity. Coming from a strong Hispanic background, where red beans are most definitely not a sweet to be combined with pastry’s, I know I sure did. But, sweet red bean paste is one heck of a yummy dessert filling! Now seeing as I know so many dessert recipe’s with it (Kaos avatar 113I pretty much love anything that has it in it!) I figured I’d dedicate an entry to it before I set off on posting about all the varied desserts filled with it.

Ok, so there 2 kinds of red bean paste out there- chunky and pureed (or smooth), so I’ll show you how to make both.


Note: Make sure to wash the red beans and place in a large pot filled with water. Bring to a boil over high heat, drain, and discard the water. Continue with the instructions for either chunky or pureed red bean paste.


1210330924 Ingredients:

  • 1 cup (6.35 ounces / 180 grams) par-boiled red beans
  • 1 cup granulated sugar, or to taste
  • pinch of salt


  1. Add about 3 cups of water to a pot containing the par-boiled red beans.
  2. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce t medium, cover the pot, and let simmer until soft (45minutes t0 2 hours- water should mostly be absorbed)                                                                                                                                            Note: You should add water as needed while simmering to prevent the beans from being scorched. Well Cooked Bean
  3. Turn the heat t low and add one cup of sugar, then stir and mash against the side f the pot until water is no longer visible.
  4. Add a pinch of salt and mix well. The paste should be thick with some whole and half-crushed red beans.

Chunky Red Beans



  • 1 cup (6.35 ounces / 180 grams) par-boiled red beans
  • 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar, or to taste
  • pinch of salt

Bean Puree


  1. Add about 5 cups of water to a pot containing the par-boiled red beans.
  2. Bring to a boil over high heat then reduce the heat to medium, cover the pot and simmer the red beans until soft (1 to 2 hours- there should be plenty of water left in the pot). Make Sure To Stir
  3. Drain out the water and pour the beans into a food processer. Process until smooth 
  4. Press the pureed beans through a sieve to discard the skins.
  5. Pour the puree onto a non-stick pan, add 1 1/2 cups of sugar (or more for added sweetness), and stir well over low heat until the sauce is dry.
  6. Remove from heat add a pinch of salt and mix well. (The paste should have the consistency of mashed potatoes).Smooth