Tag Archives: OK


Kaos avatar 132 Since this year is already shock full of debut’s I thought nothing when I read of the upcoming debut of B1A4. Then the time for their debut came and they surprised me. Kaos avatar 101 I fell instantly in love with their fresh vocals and fun songs and had no choice but to buy the album. Sometimes I find myself hesitant to do that because I’ll often only like a couple of songs but I was happily impressed with the range of music they put out in Let’s Fly.

Let's Fly 4

01. O.K

As their debut song this was certainly not overwhelmingly impressive. It was, however, a great start as the song is fun and catchy. The dance moves are also very easy to learn so it’s definitely a good music video to get a look at. Their vocals shine through with little to no auto tune to be heard. It’s a high energy song that is perfect for a day in the beach or just dancing around the house Kaos avatar 220.

02. Remember

To keep up with the fun  you have the second track. The lyrics and beat are simple but it’s clear these guys want to stay true to Pop sounds. This track is also very catchy and danceable but I notice is a bit more harmony from the guys. By no means an innovative track it still stands out and makes you listen.

03. Only Learnt the Bad Things (못된 것만 배워서)

Yet another classic pop song. Kaos avatar 217 Again another catchy song to make you listen and enjoy. The song fits seamlessly with the rest of the album with a perfect transition from the previous track. It takes the energy down just a notch but still maintains the fun vibe of the other songs.

04. Bling Girl

A bit more upbeat than the other songs this song is yet another catchy pop track. Once again fitting in seamlessly with the rest of the tracks on the album this track gives you high energy and more fun. Voices of each of the guys is easily recognizable and their talent obvious.

05. Only One
Easily my favorite song on the album, this song lends the album its one touch of ballad. The boys show off their vocals to perfection and its evident the guys have a good amount of vocal range and talent. In keeping with the rest of the album this tracks lyrics are simple and clear Kaos avatar 169 yet very touching .

06. O.K (Inst.)

Though I’m not one for instrumentals the simple beat is s catchy that even without words I was dancing along.


Overall the album is perfect for summer. With lots of energy and catchy tracks I can just picture myself bouncing Kaos avatar 96 around in the car on the way to the beach. I can’t say that anything on here is something I haven’t heard before but I cant help but love the album. If your one for true pop songs with a bit of a modern twist this is certainly the album to get! Remember to support the artist download or buy Let’s Fly!