Tag Archives: k-pop

2010, MEET 2011!

Kaos avatar 322 

╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝New Year 2011 ^^ ………2010 could not have ended on a better light for K-pop. So many great performances and special stages I can hardly pick a favorite. I was lucky enough to be able to catch all the live footage from KPOPFLASH but I ended watching it again on ALLKPOP. Kaos avatar 345 I swear SBS, KBS, and MBC put on some fantastic shows!

*Side Note: I was in an awful automobile accident on the 31st. Normally that isn’t something to be happy about but I cant help but see it as a good omen. It kind of represents the clearing of all bad karma and can only mean that 2011 is going to ROCK! *

I cant be sure about my luck thus far but I do know that 2011 is full of comebacks from a lot of my favorite artists and that alone is enough to make me hopeful for the rest of the year.

We start off January with MBLAQ. They just dropped the MV for Cry…and my-oh-my it is SEXY!! I feel pregnant after watching it… Kaos avatar 62 There is supposed to be a second title track and if its anything like Cry I cant wait to have twins!!!


Now GD&TOP released their MV for Knock Out today which of course makes me super HAPPY. My only concern…whats with the anorexic looking white chicks? If I didn’t like the song so much maybe I would more attention to the video so I guess I can bypass the white trashiness.

Knock Out Ooh YEAAAAH!!

DBSK is also to release Keep Your Head Down on the 5th and already controversy about the lyrics is all over. Netizens stipulate that it’s a message to JYJ- I for one don’t buy it for a minute. The song however is stuck in my head! I’m so happy that even with out 3 members DBSK still sounds like DBSK (albeit with an edgier feel). I anticipate this album to be one of the HOTTEST of the year!

Full audio- MV release on 01/05

We also have Teen Top releasing their album this month (though which day I don’t know). These boys have me really curious after they released their teaser photo. I’m not sure I like the concept but I loved Clap so I can only hope their comeback will deliver!Kaos avatar 225

Clap MV


Secret swing dance single is to release on the 6th. From their teaser I can only get one thing…the song is going to be CUTE! I’m really looking forward to seeing the MV.

Secret comeback teaser

I‘m sure there are quite a few more stars with comebacks scheduled for January but I don’t recall anymore off the top of my head. I do know that January isn’t the only month to look forward to. No siree! March has After School with their 9th member. I cant wait for a teaser of their album! Kaos avatar 236

9th Member…she’s pretty!


Now oddly enough this year also seems to be chock full of army enlistments. We ended 2010 with a few of my favorites enlisting (namely Kangmin of Super Junior). but as if that wasn’t enough, we are starting it off the same. There’s Lee Seung Gi, Super Junior’s leader Lee Teuk, and even Rain. Kaos avatar 277 It makes me really sad and worried but I know they will all come back hale and hearty!


So as I’ve mentioned before I listen to a lot of K-pop. Kaos avatar 1 That being said I’m always changing up my playlist of favorite music. In the past couple of months there have been quite a few K-pop releases that have me hooked. And so my playlist has once again been revised and include some new, and not so new artists.

One of my favorites is actually by someone I didn’t think I would like. You see I listen to a lot of boy bands and not many solo artists (much less older ones lol) – but this guys is epic!Kaos avatar 47

Psy- Right Now

I’m also glad to have tuned in to Inkigayo today since I was able to catch the performance of a very hunky Ha Hyeon Gon. Never heard his music before but I’m super addicted to his voice!

Ha Hyeon Gon ft Rich- Lady

I’m also really digging this new girl group called VNT. The single is so catchy I cant stop listening to it.

VNT- Ye Ye Ye ft. MinHo from SHINee


To top it off we have some really good comebacks from T-Ara, and U-kiss.

Tara- Why Are You Being Like This
UKiss- Shut Up

While 2NE1 is rocking the CF for Yamaha ‘Fiore’.

2NE1- Don’t Stop the Music